NBA相关资讯 NBA抢篮板英语怎么表达 1. 2024年5月17日,西宁市城西区城市篮球挑战赛正式开启,比赛将持续...
1. 2024年5月17日,西宁市城西区城市篮球挑战赛正式开启,比赛将持续两个多月,并在8月8日举行总决赛。
2. 比赛设有唐道637主会场和万达广场站、新华联商业街站、力盟商业街站三个分站点,涵盖男子组、女子组、青少年组。
3. 比赛遵循中国篮协最新审定的《五人篮球规则》和《三人篮球规则》。
4. 参赛队伍根据报名情况和赛区进行抽签分组,每个赛区的每周会产生一只周冠军球队,每月则会产生一只月冠军球队。
5. 最终将决出冠亚季军和第四名,并在8月8日的总决赛晚上颁发奖金奖杯和荣誉证书。
6. 此次比赛由城西区文体旅游科技局和城西区总工会主办,青海锦诚文旅体育运营管理有限公司、青海鼎健体育产业有限公司承办,青海省篮球运动协会和城西区篮球协会协办。
7. 2024年5月18日,极下之光杯”北京市小篮球联赛暨夜京城青少年篮球赛市级决赛阶段的比赛在欧冠篮球运动中心启动。
8. 持续两周的时间里,共计76支球队将为五个组别的冠军荣誉展开激烈竞赛。
9. 这一赛事是中国篮协小篮球系列赛的关键组成部分,分为U8组、U10男子组、U10混合组、U12男子组和U12女子组五个组别。
10. 从3月31日开始到4月21日结束的预赛阶段,共有609支球队,4368名青少年在12个赛区内参与。
11. 今年,无论是赛区设置、参赛球队数量还是参与的球员总数,均比上一年有所增加,显示出小篮球赛事正向积极态势发展。
12. 决赛阶段开幕式上进行了舞龙表演花式篮球以及啦啦操展示等精彩表演。
13. 揭幕战中,OD梦之队以25:10的比分击败帝都小哪吒,取得赛事开门红。
14. 焦健强调,小篮球比赛的胜负并非最重要的,关键是让孩子们在挫折中成长,学会如何在规则框架内赢得胜利以及在失败中有尊严地接受。
15. 这个项目依据儿童生理和心理特点设计,旨在增强儿童体质,同时也为培养优秀篮球后备人才打下基础。
16. 比赛由北京市体育总会和北京市篮球运动协会主办,北京市篮球运动协会青少年委员会承办。
17. 5月18日,2024年国缘杯”宝山区企业篮球系列赛在上海正式开幕。
18. 这一赛事在上海市宝山区体育总会的指导下,由上海市宝山区篮球协会主办,旨在推进全民健身计划,丰富企业职工的文体生活,为区域内企业篮球爱好者提供一个展示篮球技艺和促进企业之间交流的平台。
19. 开幕式上,宝山区体育局四级调研员、宝山区体育总会常务副会长周少华表示,本次参赛队伍大多来自宝山区本土企业。
20. 本次赛事共有12支球队参赛,比赛采用中国篮球协会最新审定的FIBA篮球规则和有关规定执行。
21. 比赛首日,各企业篮球爱好者们的精彩表现吸引了众多居民群众前来围观,体现了运动的生活方式,展示了上海的活力与动感。
22. 今年以来,由于新奇的竞赛规则、愉快的比赛氛围和持续举办的赛事,贵州省黔东南州雷山县的少数名族妇女自创的 "姑妈篮球" 活动受到广泛关注,全网浏览量已达约50亿人次。
23. 该活动丰富了少数民族妇女的生活,增加了她们的自信和快乐,并为她们提供一个展示自我、交友的平台。
24. 在 "姑妈篮球" 的发展过程中,一些少数名族女性从参与者变身推广者。
25. 比如,苗族女孩吴真丽回到家乡后,成为一名自媒体博主,拍摄并分享她们参加 "姑妈" 篮球赛的视频。
26. 此外,该活动已成为增强村民凝聚力的纽带,甚至让一些原本不会打篮球的妇女学会了这项技能。
27. 贵州省第一届姑妈篮球邀请赛于4月28日在黔东南州雷山县西江千户苗寨举行,以我运动、我健康、我快乐”为主题。
28. 比赛特点有无门槛、接地气、大众化,且有独有的规则,如没有走步违例,球员可以抱着球跑;只要不是故意犯规,原则上不会吹罚;如果比赛结束时双方比分相同,将通过罚球决出胜负。
29. 观众们也为比赛中的球员们加油助威。以上就是本次比赛的基本情况。
30. 近日,《大连日报》报道了贵州省第一届姑妈”篮球邀请赛的情况。本次比赛于2024年五一”假期第一天在黔东南州雷山县西江千户苗寨景区举行,共有来自各地的10支姑妈”篮球代表队参加。
31. 这是一项面向广大人民群众,无门槛、接地气的大众化运动,拥有自身独特的规则。
32. 例如,比赛没有走步违例,球员可以抱着球跑;只要不是故意犯规,原则上不会吹罚;如果比赛结束时双方比分相同,将通过罚球决出胜负。
33. 观众们也为比赛中的球员们加油助威。以上就是本次比赛的基本情况。
34. 原标题:篮球发展趋势:中锋角色变迁与比赛规则影响
35. 3月11日消息,中国篮协主席姚明和NBA名宿韦德在央视名嘴于嘉的访谈节目中探讨了篮球比赛的演变。
36. 姚明指出现今篮球中射手型大个子日益增多,要求中锋也能够投三分球,揭示出趋势性变革。
37. 姚明详述:现今篮球注重快速进攻,单回合时间限制已成关键规则之一。
38. 过去30秒、后来调整至24秒,今或再度压缩,因为大部分进攻不需如此久。
39. 韦德附和:我们曾携手奥尼尔及波什共赢总冠军。篮球规则必然调整,‘空间型四号位’逐渐取代为‘篮球位’,更有‘球鞋心态’观念。
40. 美国比赛自由开放,注重自由发挥,促使篮球新局面。未来篮球演变离不开创新。”
41. 网友纷纷评论:约基奇等球员兼具内线强力、策应及三分投射技能。
42. 辩论从前内线对抗精彩,如今三分球居多;高投射要求导致低位得分困难。
43. 中锋要求持球能力,传统过程繁琐,而今挡拆方式简便高效。
44. 看完这些话,是否让你对篮球比赛有了新认知?
- 夏季奥运会
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- 奥运会田径比赛
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- 奥运会篮球赛
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- 奥运会排球赛
- NBA and Sports Events
1. On May 17, 2024, the Xining City West District City Basketball Challenge officially kicked off. The competition will last for over two months and culminate in a grand finale on August 8th.
2. The competition features the Tangdao 637 main venue and three sub-venues at Wanda Plaza, Xinhua Lian Commercial Street, and Limeng Commercial Street, encompassing men's, women's, and youth divisions.
3. The competition adheres to the latest "Five-a-Side Basketball Rules" and "Three-on-Three Basketball Rules" approved by the Chinese Basketball Association.
4. Participating teams will be divided into groups based on registration details and competition zones through a draw. Each zone will produce a weekly champion team, and a monthly champion team will be crowned each month.
5. Ultimately, the competition will determine the champion, runner-up, third place, and fourth place, with prizes, trophies, and certificates of honor awarded during the grand finale on the evening of August 8th.
6. The event is co-hosted by the West District Culture, Sports, Tourism, and Science & Technology Bureau and the West District Federation of Trade Unions. The organizers are Qinghai Jincheng Culture, Tourism, and Sports Operation Management Co., Ltd. and Qinghai Dingjian Sports Industry Co., Ltd., with the Qinghai Provincial Basketball Association and the West District Basketball Association serving as co-organizers.
7. On May 18, 2024, the "Extreme Downward Light Cup" Beijing City Little Basketball League and the "Night Beijing" Youth Basketball Tournament city-level final stage competition commenced at the European Champions Basketball Sports Center.
8. Over a two-week period, a total of 76 teams will compete fiercely for championship honors in five categories.
9. This event is a crucial component of the Chinese Basketball Association's Little Basketball series, encompassing five divisions: U8, U10 Men's, U10 Mixed, U12 Men's, and U12 Women's.
10. From March 31st to April 21st, the preliminary stage involved 609 teams and 4,368 young athletes across 12 competition zones.
11. This year, both the number of competition zones, participating teams, and total players have increased compared to the previous year, signifying a positive trend in the development of Little Basketball events.
12. The opening ceremony of the final stage featured captivating performances such as dragon dance, trick basketball, and cheerleading.
13. In the opening match, OD Dream Team triumphed over Emperor's Capital Little Nezha with a score of 25:10, securing a winning start to the tournament.
14. Jiao Jian emphasized that victory in the Little Basketball competition is not the paramount importance. The key lies in enabling children to grow through setbacks, learn how to achieve victory within a framework of rules, and accept defeat with dignity.
15. This program is designed based on the physiological and psychological characteristics of children, aiming to enhance their physical fitness and lay a foundation for cultivating outstanding basketball talents.
16. The competition is organized by the Beijing Sports Federation and the Beijing Basketball Association, with the Beijing Basketball Association Youth Committee serving as the organizer.
17. On May 18th, the 2024 "Guoyuan Cup" Baoshan District Enterprise Basketball Series officially commenced in Shanghai.
18. Guided by the Baoshan District Sports Federation of Shanghai, this event is hosted by the Baoshan District Basketball Association, aiming to promote the national fitness program, enrich the cultural and sporting lives of enterprise employees, and provide a platform for basketball enthusiasts within the region to showcase their skills and foster communication among enterprises.
19. At the opening ceremony, Zhou Shaohua, a level-four researcher at the Baoshan District Sports Bureau and executive vice-president of the Baoshan District Sports Federation, stated that most of the participating teams hail from local enterprises in Baoshan District.
20. This event features 12 participating teams, with the competition adhering to the latest FIBA basketball rules and relevant regulations approved by the Chinese Basketball Association.
21. On the first day of the competition, the impressive performance of basketball enthusiasts from various enterprises attracted numerous residents to witness the event, reflecting a lifestyle of physical activity and showcasing Shanghai's vibrancy and dynamism.
22. Since the beginning of the year, the "Auntie Basketball" activity, a self-created sport by ethnic minority women in Leishan County, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, has garnered widespread attention due to its novel rules, enjoyable atmosphere, and ongoing competitions. The activity has generated an estimated 5 billion views across the internet.
23. This activity enriches the lives of ethnic minority women, boosts their confidence and happiness, and provides them with a platform to express themselves and make friends.
24. During the development of "Auntie Basketball," some ethnic minority women have transitioned from participants to promoters.
25. For instance, Miao girl Wu Zhenli, upon returning to her hometown, became a self-media blogger, filming and sharing videos of their participation in the "Auntie" basketball tournament.
26. Furthermore, this activity has become a unifying force among villagers, even empowering some women who previously couldn't play basketball to learn the skill.
27. The first Guizhou Provincial Auntie Basketball Invitational Tournament was held on April 28th in Xijiang Thousand-Household Miao Village in Leishan County, Qiannan Prefecture, with the theme "I Exercise, I Am Healthy, I Am Happy."
28. The competition features no entry barriers, a down-to-earth approach, and a mass participation format, along with unique rules. For instance, there is no walking violation, and players can run with the ball; unless it's an intentional foul, penalties are generally not given; if the score is tied at the end of the match, the winner will be decided by free throws.
29. The audience also cheered on the players in the competition. This is a summary of the basic information of this competition.
30. Recently, "Dalian Daily" reported on the first Guizhou Provincial "Auntie" Basketball Invitational Tournament. The competition was held on the first day of the "May Day" holiday in 2024, at the Xijiang Thousand-Household Miao Village scenic area in Leishan County, Qiannan Prefecture. Ten "Auntie" basketball teams from various locations participated.
31. This is a mass participation sport targeting the general public, without any entry barriers, a down-to-earth approach, and it has its own unique rules.
32. For example, there is no walking violation, and players can run with the ball; unless it's an intentional foul, penalties are generally not given; if the score is tied at the end of the match, the winner will be decided by free throws.
33. The audience also cheered on the players in the competition. This is a summary of the basic information of this competition.
34. Original Title: Basketball Development Trends: Center Role Evolution and Competition Rule Impact
35. On March 11th, Yao Ming, President of the Chinese Basketball Association, and NBA legend Dwyane Wade discussed the evolution of basketball competitions in an interview program hosted by CCTV commentator Yu Jia.
36. Yao Ming pointed out the increasing number of shooter-type big men in modern basketball, emphasizing the requirement for centers to also possess three-point shooting abilities, highlighting a trend-driven transformation.
37. Yao Ming elaborated: Modern basketball emphasizes fast-paced offense, with single-round time limits becoming a crucial rule. Previously, it was 30 seconds, later adjusted to 24 seconds, and now it may be shortened further, as most offenses don't require that much time.
38. Wade concurred: We won championships together with Shaquille O'Neal and Chris Bosh. Basketball rules inevitably adjust. "Spacing-type four-position players" gradually replace "basketball position players," with a stronger "sneaker mentality" concept.
39. "American competitions are free and open, focusing on individual expression, driving new developments in basketball. Future basketball evolution cannot be separated from innovation."
40. Netizens commented: Players like Nikola Jokic possess both strong interior presence, playmaking abilities, and three-point shooting skills.
41. Debates arose: Previously, interior confrontations were captivating, but now three-point shooting is more prevalent. High shooting demands make low-post scoring difficult.
42. Centers require ball-handling skills. Traditional processes are cumbersome, while pick-and-roll tactics are now simpler and more efficient.
43. After reading these insights, have you gained a new understanding of basketball competitions?
Competition is a primary characteristic of sports. Modern sports competition boasts broader international scope and intense rivalry. International sports organizations adopt unified rules, standards, and records, hosting increasingly numerous international competitions. Among the large-scale international sports competitions, the Olympics, World Championships, and World Cups stand out. Today, we will delve into the major international competitions in different sports.
Summer Olympics, Summer Paralympics, Winter Olympics, Winter Paralympics, Summer Youth Olympics, Winter Youth Olympics, World Summer Special Olympics, World Winter Special Olympics, Summer Deaflympics, Winter Deaflympics
"Olympics," short for Olympic Games, is a global multi-sport event hosted by the International Olympic Committee. Held every four years, with a duration not exceeding 16 days, cities compete to host the Games. It is the most influential sporting event in the world.
The Olympics originated in ancient Greece, deriving its name from its hosting city, Olympia. In the late 19th century, Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin proposed the idea of modern Olympic Games. In 1894, the International Olympic Committee was established. The first Olympic Games were held in 1896, followed by the inaugural Winter Olympics in 1924 and the first Paralympics in 1960. The first Youth Olympics were held in 2010.
The host city of the 2020 Olympics is Tokyo, Japan; the 2024 Olympics will be hosted by Paris, France; and Los Angeles, USA, will host the 2028 Olympics.
Olympics (Olympic Games), often referred to as "Olympics," is a global multi-sport event hosted by the International Olympic Committee. Held every four years, with a duration not exceeding 16 days, cities compete to host the Games. It is the most influential sporting event in the world.
Athletics has been a core competition since the first Olympic Games in 1896. Women's athletics were introduced at the 9th Olympic Games in 1928. The 2012 London Olympics featured 48 athletics gold medals.
World Athletics Championships
The World Athletics Championships, a global athletics event hosted by World Athletics, was established in 1983. Initially held every four years, it became a biennial event starting in 1991.
World Indoor Athletics Championships
The inaugural event was held in Paris, France, in 1985, initially named the World Indoor Games. It was renamed the World Indoor Athletics Championships in 1987. The event is held biennially and features 26 events, 13 for men and 13 for women.
World Athletics Diamond League
Known as the Diamond League, this is a global athletics series introduced by World Athletics in 2010. Replacing the previous International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Golden League, which was restricted to Europe, the end-of-season grand prize transitioned from gold bars to diamonds. The league comprises 14 stops, including Shanghai, China. The league features 32 individual events with a prize fund of $41.6 million.
Swimming originated in Egypt over 3,000 years ago, later spreading to Mediterranean countries. It became a competitive sport at the 23rd ancient Greek Olympic Games. The Olympic swimming competition includes 32 events, second only to athletics in terms of gold medal count.
World Aquatics Championships
Organized by World Aquatics, it is the highest-level global aquatic competition. The first World Aquatics Championships were held in 1973. From 1978 to 1998, the intervals between events varied, but they have been held biennially since 2001.
World Short Course Swimming Championships
Organized by World Aquatics, this is a world championship held in a 25-meter pool, occurring every two years. The short course swimming championships only feature swimming events. The inaugural event was held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, from December 2nd to 5th, 1993.
World Short Course Swimming Cup
This is a global series of short course (25-meter) swimming competitions organized by World Aquatics, with participation from World Aquatics member nations. The competition began in 1989, with individual events held annually, culminating in prize money for the top three athletes.
Diving World Cup
Established in 1979, this is the highest-level diving competition organized by World Aquatics. It is considered one of the three major diving events globally, alongside the World Aquatics Championships and the Olympics, held biennially. In Olympic years, it is often combined with Olympic test events.
The FIFA World Cup is a global competition between national men's football teams. It is organized by FIFA, the highest governing body in world football, and is held every four years, alternating with the Olympic Games.
UEFA European Championship
The European Football Championship, or Euro, is the highest-level national football tournament for European Football Association member nations. The first edition was held in 1960, followed by biannual events every four years.
Copa América
Established in 1916, it is the oldest football tournament in the Americas and the world. It was initiated by Argentina. The Copa América features the ten strongest national teams from South America and is held every four years. It is the highest-level competition in South America.
Africa Cup of Nations
The first edition was held in 1957. From 1968 onwards, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) mandated the Africa Cup of Nations to be held every two years, with the number of participating teams increasing as African nations gained independence. In 1998, the tournament expanded to 16 teams, with all participating teams (except the host) needing to qualify through CAF-organized qualifiers.
AFC Asian Cup
Organized by the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), this is a quadrennial international men's football tournament held every four years. It is the highest-level national competition within Asia, with participating teams required to be AFC members.
Australian Open
One of the four Grand Slam tournaments, it is typically held over the last two weeks of January at Melbourne Park in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It is the first Grand Slam of the year and the youngest of the four major tournaments. The tournament features men's and women's singles and doubles, as well as mixed doubles.
French Open
Known as "Roland Garros," it was established in 1891 and is held at the Stade Roland Garros in Paris, France, from May to June each year. It is the second Grand Slam of the year and the only one played on clay courts.
Wimbledon Championships
Typically held in June or July, it is the third Grand Slam of the year and the only one played on grass courts. It features men's and women's singles and doubles, as well as mixed doubles.
US Open
It is the last Grand Slam of the year, held from late August to early September. The tournament includes men's and women's singles, doubles, and mixed doubles. It also features junior competitions. Since 1978, the event has been held at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in New York City.
The Olympic basketball tournament was first included as an Olympic event at the 1936 Berlin Games. Women's basketball was officially included in the 1976 Montreal Games. The Olympic basketball competition features only men's and women's team events, with three medals awarded in each: gold, silver, and bronze.
FIBA Basketball World Cup
The FIBA Basketball World Cup is the highest-level global national team basketball tournament organized by the International Basketball Federation (FIBA), held every four years. It originated as the World Men's and Women's Basketball Championships in the 1950s. In January 2012, FIBA officially announced that the World Men's and Women's Basketball Championships would be renamed the FIBA Basketball World Cup.
Stanković Cup
This is one of the highest-level official international basketball tournaments held in China, initiated by Dr. Cheng Wanqi, president of FIBA. Six teams participate in each edition, representing top national men's basketball teams from six continents or invited teams. The tournament is held annually.
The National Basketball Association (NBA) was founded on June 6th, 1946, in New York City. It is a men's professional basketball league composed of 30 teams from North America. Featuring the world's top players, it is one of the four major professional sports leagues in the United States.
Formula 1, known as F1, is the highest-level annual series of single-seater motorsport competitions organized by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA). It is the world's premier motor racing competition. The first race was held between 1894 (Paris to Lyon) and 1900.
WRC World Rally Championship
This is another top-tier global motorsport event alongside F1. Teams compete across the globe, piloting professionally modified production cars, conquering challenging terrains spanning thousands of kilometers, including gravel, ice, asphalt, mud, and rain. It is considered the most demanding rally competition in the world.
FIA GT Championship
Recognized as one of the "Four Major International Series" by the FIA, it is a highly coveted competition for global supercar manufacturers. Since its inception, it has attracted the attention of racing enthusiasts worldwide.
DTM German Touring Car Masters
Abbreviated as DTM, it has a 20-year history and features numerous top racing drivers. The annual championship comprises ten events, with six held in Germany and four overseas events in the Netherlands, the UK, Spain, and France.
World Table Tennis Championships
Along with the Olympics and World Championships, it is one of the three major events in world table tennis. The first World Table Tennis Championships were held in London, England, in December 1926. Since 1959, they have been held biennially, every two years.
Olympic Table Tennis Competition
Table tennis was included as an official Olympic sport starting with the 1988 Seoul Games. After numerous consultations between the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) and the International Olympic Committee, the Olympic table tennis competition features four events: men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, and women's doubles.
ITTF World Tour
This is a global series of major single-sport competitions organized by the ITTF. It features men's and women's singles and doubles. The end-of-season tournament for athletes ranked high in the seasonal standings from various Tour stops is the ITTF World Tour Grand Finals.
BWF World Championships
This refers to the BWF World Badminton Championships, which feature five events: men's and women's singles and doubles, as well as mixed doubles. It was held triennially starting in 1977 and became biennial in 1983, held every other year, in odd-numbered years.
Thomas Cup
This refers to the Thomas Cup, the world men's team badminton championships. The first competition was held in 1948, and it is now a biennial event held in even-numbered years. The competition consists of three singles matches and two doubles matches.
Uber Cup
This refers to the Uber Cup, the world women's team badminton championships. The first competition was held in 1956, and it is a biennial event held in even-numbered years. The competition consists of three singles matches and two doubles matches.
Sudirman Cup
This refers to the Sudirman Cup, the world mixed team badminton competition. It was established in 1989, is held biennially in odd-numbered years, and includes men's and women's singles and doubles.
FIVB Volleyball World Cup
This competition was initially known as the "Three Continents" Volleyball Tournament, involving Asia, Europe, and America. In 1964, it was renamed the "World Cup" Volleyball Tournament. It is held every four years. Since 1991, it has been held in the year preceding the Olympic Games, effectively serving as an Olympic qualifier.
FIVB Volleyball World Championships
Organized by the FIVB, this is the oldest and largest global volleyball competition, held every four years. It originally coincided with the Olympic Games but was shifted to the second year after the Olympics, starting in 1962 (with the exception of the fifth women's competition). The champions qualify directly for the following Olympic Games.
Olympic Volleyball Competition
Volleyball made its Olympic debut at the 1964 Tokyo Games, featuring ten men's teams and six women's teams. The competition has grown since its inception, now encompassing 12 teams each for men and women.
FIVB Volleyball Women's World Grand Prix
Organized by the FIVB, this is an annual global volleyball competition established in 1993. It features individual events that determine the teams qualifying for the Grand Finals, with the winner of the Grand Finals crowned the overall champion.
The 1st Athens Olympic Games in 1896 included pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars, and horizontal bar events, as well as rope climbing. However, there was no floor exercise, and only men's gymnastics were included. Women's gymnastics were introduced at the 11th Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. However, the refinement and standardization of women's events took place at the 17th Rome Olympics in 1960.
World Gymnastics Championships
This is divided into Artistic Gymnastics and Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships, held separately. Its history is second only to the Olympic gymnastics competition. The first World Championships were held in 1903. After 2002, an event is held annually except in Olympic years, meaning three events are held every four years.
World Gymnastics Championships
This is a smaller competition featuring only all-around and individual optional finals. Several individual events are held annually, with athletes who excel in these events qualifying for the finals. Athletes who win the men's and women's all-around titles are crowned World Cup champions. The top three athletes in each men's and women's individual event are awarded gold, silver, and bronze medals.
Speed Skating World Championships
Its origins date back to the late 19th century. In 1889, the first international speed skating competition was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It involved 13 participating nations, and they agreed to hold an annual global competition.
Short Track Speed Skating World Championships
Short track speed skating originated in Canada in the late 19th century. The first short track speed skating world championships were held in 1889. By 1921, the short track speed skating international championships were held annually, establishing them as a major event in short track speed skating.
Figure Skating World Championships
Organized by the International Skating Union (ISU), this is a figure skating competition involving amateur athletes from various member nations (or regions), held annually (usually in March). It includes four events: men's singles, women's singles, pairs, and ice dance.
European Figure Skating Championships
Known as "Figure Skating Euros," it is organized by the ISU and held annually in January. The first European Figure Skating Championships were held in Hamburg, Germany, in 1891.
Four Continents Figure Skating Championships
Held annually, it rotates between various countries. The "Four Continents" represent the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, excluding Europe, as depicted in the Olympic rings. Participating athletes are from these regions.
The World Baseball Classic
This is a global baseball tournament organized by Major League Baseball (MLB) and the World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC). The inaugural competition was held on March 3rd, 2006, in Japan. Sixteen invited national teams competed across four locations in a total of 39 games. It is considered the largest baseball event in history.
IBAF World Junior Baseball Championship
Organized by the International Baseball Federation (IBAF), this tournament has an age restriction of 12 years and under for participating athletes. The event was established in July 2011 and held in Taipei City, Taiwan. The inaugural event featured 13 national teams, with seven in Group A and six in Group B.
World Snooker Championship
The first competition was held in 1927. The current venue is the Crucible Theatre. In terms of influence, prize money, and professional ranking points, the annual World Championship is considered the pinnacle of snooker competition.
UK Championship
It has been held since 1977 and is one of the oldest professional snooker events. Initially, it was only open to residents of the British Isles and those holding British passports. It became open to all professional players in 1980, with a limited capacity of 128 players.
International Championship
Second only to the World Championship in terms of prize money, it holds the same ranking as the UK Championship, making it the second-largest professional snooker event. According to competition rules, the top 16 ranked players are invited to participate directly in the main tournament, along with 16 qualifying players and eight Chinese wild card players, totaling 40 participants.
Shanghai Masters
This is an official ranking event on the World Snooker Tour, offering 7,000 ranking points to the champion, second only to the World Championship's 10,000 points and the UK Championship's 8,000 points. It is higher than all other ranking events of the same level and the top snooker event in Asia.
Tour de France
This is a renowned annual multi-stage road cycling event primarily held in France. Since its inception in 1903, it has been held annually in the summer, lasting for 23 days with 21 stages, covering an average distance of over 3,500 kilometers. The complete route varies each year but generally circles France.
Giro d'Italia
This event was established in 1909, like the Tour de France, by a news organization, La Gazzetta dello Sport. It is often referred to as the Giro. The event takes place in May during the springtime. The Giro is highly regarded by riders, second only to the Tour de France.
Vuelta a España
It began in 1935 and has been held annually since 1955. It is the third-largest international road cycling event after the Tour de France and Giro d'Italia. Compared to the century-old Tour de France and Giro d'Italia, the Vuelta, which is only 75 years old, has undoubtedly a shorter history. It has recently emerged as a top-tier event among the three major competitions.
The Masters Tournament
As the first major tournament of the year, it is held annually in April. The venue is Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia, USA. It was first held in 1934. For many players and fans worldwide, the Masters Tournament is considered the top Grand Slam event.
US Open
Organized by the United States Golf Association (USGA), it does not have a fixed location. Instead, it is held annually at a renowned golf course within the United States, aiming to prevent unfair competition arising from players' familiarity with specific courses.
The Open Championship
It was established in 1860 and is the oldest and most historic Grand Slam event in golf. It is organized by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and held annually in the third weekend of July. For both players and fans, the Open Championship holds a unique and unshakeable historical significance.
PGA Championship
This is the abbreviation for the PGA Championship, a top-tier golf event held annually in the United States during August. It was founded in 1916. It has the second-largest prize money among the four major tournaments, with the champion prize money second only to the Masters Tournament.
The FIS Ski World Cup and World Championships
The FIS Ski World Cup and World Championships organized by the International Ski Federation (FIS) are divided into five categories: cross-country skiing, freestyle skiing, alpine skiing, ski jumping, and Nordic combined. Each category is held independently. The World Cup competition employs a points system, with events held at different locations annually.
Alpine Ski World Championships
It was established in 1907 and became part of the FIS in 1924. The first Alpine Ski World Championships were held in Mürren, Switzerland, in 1931. It became an Olympic event in 1936. Alpine skiing comprises ten individual events: men's and women's downhill, slalom, giant slalom, super giant slalom, and combined.
Snowboard World Championships
This is a top-tier global snowboard competition organized by the International Snowboard Federation (ISF). The competition features three events: halfpipe, freestyle aerials, and slopestyle, held every four years.
Olympic Ski Competition
The events include freestyle skiing, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, snowboard, Nordic combined, and ski jumping.
It was established in 1993 in Innsbruck, Austria. The competition format involves snowboarders descending from a height, taking off from a large jump, and performing various flips, turns, and other tricks. In 2017, Freeski became part of the six stops in the FIS Snowboard Big Air World Cup, elevating it to a Class A international event.
League of Legends World Championship
This is the highest-level, most intense, and most renowned competition in League of Legends, representing the pinnacle of the game's honors. It includes five stages: Play-Ins, Group Stage, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, and Finals, held annually, lasting approximately a month.
The International
It is held in July or August, lasting from four days to two weeks. The venue is generally in Seattle, USA. The competition utilizes both invite and selection mechanisms. Its uniqueness lies in the incredibly high prize money, which always generates significant impact, far exceeding the prize money of the League of Legends World Championship.
CS:GO Major
This is the highest-level, highest-prize, and most prestigious event in CS:GO, sponsored by Valve Corporation and organized by third-party event organizing companies. It is held two to three times annually, in January-March, July-August, and October-November.
PUBG Global Invitational
This is a global invitational tournament organized by PUBG Corporation. It is also the largest and most prestigious event in PUBG, with regions including Europe, North America, Asia (excluding China, Korea, and Japan), China, Korea, Japan, Latin America, Australia, and the Middle East.