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2026世预赛积分榜 body { font-family: sans-serif; } h3 {...




排名 球队 积分
1 阿根廷 3 0 0 9
2 巴西 2 1 0 7
3 哥伦比亚 1 2 0 5
4 乌拉圭 1 1 1 4
5 智利 1 1 1 4
6 委内瑞拉 1 1 1 4
7 厄瓜多尔 2 0 1 3
8 巴拉圭 0 1 2 1
9 秘鲁 0 1 2 1
10 玻利维亚 0 0 3 0




排名 球队 积分
1 塞尔维亚 20
2 葡萄牙 17
3 西班牙 19
4 瑞士 18
5 法国 18
6 意大利 16
7 瑞典 15
8 乌克兰 12
9 芬兰 11
10 希腊 10
11 爱尔兰 9
12 卢森堡 9
13 保加利亚 8
14 北爱尔兰 6
15 格鲁吉亚 7
16 波黑 7
17 科索沃 5
18 立陶宛 3
19 阿塞拜疆 1
20 圣马力诺 0






(1) 净胜球。


(2) 总进球数。

(3) 相互战绩(相互对战积分,相互对战净胜球,相互对战总进球,相互比赛客场进球)。




组别 球队 积分
A组 卡塔尔 3
印度 3
科威特 0
阿富汗 0
B组 日本 3
叙利亚 3
朝鲜 0
缅甸 0
C组 韩国 3
中国 3
泰国 0
新加坡 0
D组 阿曼 3
马来西亚 3
吉尔吉斯斯坦 0
中国台北 0
E组 伊朗 3
乌兹别克斯坦 3
土库曼斯坦 0
中国香港 0
F组 伊拉克 3
越南 3
菲律宾 0
印度尼西亚 0
G组 沙特阿拉伯 3
约旦 1
塔吉克斯坦 1
巴基斯坦 0
H组 阿联酋 3
巴林 3
也门 0
尼泊尔 0
I组 澳大利亚 3
黎巴嫩 1
巴勒斯坦 1
孟加拉国 0







1. 小组赛阶段,各队伍按照抽签分组进行比赛,通常每组包含若干支队伍。

2. 在小组赛中,每支队伍都会与其他队伍进行比赛,比赛结果将决定每支队伍的积分。

3. 积分计算通常基于比赛的胜、平、负结果,其中胜利获得3分,平局获得1分,失败则 < lang="en"> 2026 World Cup Qualifiers

2026 World Cup Qualifiers

South American Qualifiers

The South American qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup are in full swing, with 10 teams competing for 6.5 spots in the tournament.

The top six teams in the standings will automatically qualify, while the seventh-place team will participate in a playoff for a chance to compete in the World Cup.

With the expansion of the World Cup to 48 teams, the South American region has been awarded an additional 2 spots, making the competition more intense than ever.

Here is the current standings for the South American qualifiers (as of October 26, 2023):

Rank Team Points Wins Draws Losses
1 Argentina 9 3 0 0
2 Brazil 7 2 1 0
3 Colombia 5 1 2 0
4 Uruguay 4 1 1 1
5 Chile 4 1 1 1
6 Venezuela 4 1 1 1
7 Ecuador 3 2 0 1
8 Paraguay 1 0 1 2
9 Peru 1 0 1 2
10 Bolivia 0 0 0 3

European Qualifiers

The European qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup are also underway, with a total of 54 teams vying for 16 spots in the tournament.

The top team in each of the 10 groups will automatically qualify, while the 10 second-place finishers will be joined by the two best third-place teams from the UEFA Nations League (excluding the teams already qualified through group stages) for a playoff round.

The top three teams in each playoff group will then advance to a knockout round, with the winners securing the remaining three spots in the World Cup.

Here is the current standings for the European qualifiers (as of October 26, 2023):

Rank Team Points
1 Serbia 20
2 Portugal 17
3 Spain 19
4 Switzerland 18
5 France 18
6 Italy 16
7 Sweden 15
8 Ukraine 12
9 Ireland 9
10 Greece 10
11 Luxembourg 9
12 Finland 11
13 Bulgaria 8
14 Northern Ireland 6
15 Bosnia and Herzegovina 7
16 Georgia 7
17 Kosovo 5
18 Lithuania 3
19 Azerbaijan 1
20 San Marino 0

Asian Qualifiers

The Asian qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup are also underway, with 46 teams battling for 8.5 spots in the tournament.

The top two teams in each of the nine groups will advance to the next round, where they will be joined by the top two teams from the preliminary round.

The 18 remaining teams will then be divided into three groups, with the top two teams in each group qualifying directly for the World Cup.

The third and fourth-place teams from each group will then play in a playoff round, with the two winners qualifying for the World Cup.

The two second-place teams from the playoff round will then compete in a final playoff to determine the final Asian team to qualify for the World Cup.

Here is the current standings for the Asian qualifiers (as of October 26, 2023):

Group Team Points
A Qatar 3
A India 3
B Japan 3
B Syria 3
C South Korea 3
C China 3
D Oman 3
D Malaysia 3
E Iran 3
E Uzbekistan 3
F Iraq 3
F Vietnam 3
G Saudi Arabia 3
G Jordan 1
G Tajikistan 1
H Bahrain 3
I Australia 3
I Lebanon 1
I Palestine 1

African Qualifiers

The African qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup are also underway, with 54 teams vying for 9 spots in the tournament. The top two teams in each of the nine groups will advance to the next round.

The winners of the nine groups will then qualify for the World Cup.

The second-place teams from each group will then compete in a playoff round to determine the final African team to qualify for the World Cup.

CONCACAF Qualifiers

The CONCACAF qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup are also underway, with 35 teams competing for 6 spots in the tournament.

The top three teams in the standings will automatically qualify, while the fourth and fifth-place teams will participate in a playoff for a chance to compete in the World Cup.

The United States, Canada, and Mexico have already qualified as hosts of the tournament.

The CONCACAF qualifiers will be a highly competitive event, as many teams will be aiming to reach the World Cup for the first time.

2026 World Cup Qualification: A Comprehensive Overview

The 2026 World Cup qualifiers are a complex and exciting process, with dozens of teams across the globe competing for a coveted spot in the tournament.


Each continent has its own unique set of qualification rules and regulations, and the competition is fierce.

Stay tuned for updates on the qualifiers and the race to the World Cup.




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