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12月9日讯 在回到澳大利亚休假之前,海港主帅穆斯卡特接受了《体坛周报》记者马德兴的专访。他对过去一个赛季进行了总结,并坦言新赛季将面临全新的挑战。体坛:˂/s...

12月9日讯 在回到澳大利亚休假之前,海港主帅穆斯卡特接受了《体坛周报》记者马德兴的专访。他对过去一个赛季进行了总结,并坦言新赛季将面临全新的挑战。





穆斯卡特:(笑) 这个问题很难回答,因为我们付出了很多,也取得了不少成就,还有许多令人振奋的时刻。若非要选,我会说“骄傲(pride)”。虽然不能完全概括所有,但我确实为我们在上个赛季所取得的成绩感到自豪,为每个人所做出的努力感到骄傲。




体坛: 在过去的一年中,有哪场比赛令你最舒心? < p >< strong > 穆斯卡特: 这是个艰难的问题。我记忆力一般,总想着未来,而不是沉浸于已发生之事。这也是因为整个赛季有太多美好的瞬间。如果一定要指出某一关键时刻,那就是李昂在球门线上的解围,这一幕深印脑海,也是俱乐部历史的重要瞬间。

< p >< strong > 体育:   整个赛事期间,你觉得遇到了哪些困难? < p >< 强 >  穆斯克塔:  </強> 我们这一整年都是在应对挑战中度过。从开局阶段,我们便遭遇困境,因为亚洲杯后许多人带伤归队,他们情绪受到影响,不愿冒险。因此,我们设想中的战术执行得并不好。而真正考验则是在炎热夏天里的紧密日程安排。在我的执教生涯里,很少经历如此连续四场客场作战,这是一次巨大的磨练。然而,在面对这些挑战的时候,我认为正是这样的过程促使球队成长,相互依存,共同克服困难。比如,我们曾因天气原因不得不停留梅州三天,却未能如愿进行比赛,再次前往梅州,这些经历极大锻炼了我们的意志品质,让团队精神更加强大。

>体育:​​> ; 当联赛倒数第三轮输给成都蓉城时, 您是不是感觉争冠无望?

< P >Muskart:< /強>=&amp=0x1F7E5D2A4FC8B96C77EE74E71380EBDAWzUOZk6aGdYVQjMmcHRhZmJvbWVsbEFuZG91bGFyYWlUdGVsYXJlLmhzbWFydHMBgILmNzcMLnRhbmtpbmdmb29tZSAtcGUvZXhhbmRlcnByZWVkIHNvLnBhcmVudHMgaXQgYmUgdmFuIEIgb25saW5lcw==/div>. I didn’t think it was the end of the world. Honestly, at that moment we had no choice but to believe in ourselves. I truly believed our team would win the next two matches and if we performed strongly enough without letting this loss dictate our emotions or season, we could still control our fate.

>体育:& #8230;You have left a clear "Mu's imprint" on Shanghai Port throughout this season. How did you achieve this? Was there an initial plan for how to implement these ideas step by step?   **Muscat:** The truth is that I firmly believe in playing attractive attacking football and am confident that if achieved, winning games will follow naturally because I've done so with my previous teams before. **Sports:** Is your current tactical approach reflective of your consistent coaching philosophy or tailored specifically after assessing Super League conditions upon joining Shanghai Port? **Muskat:** As a coach, I possess certain tactical principles guiding me toward achieving desired styles within any club context while acknowledging necessary adjustments based on local circumstances. *The basic framework remains unchanged as they form foundational aspects when building successful squads.* Upon arriving here accompanied by assistants Vincenzo & Rosswe discussed ways aligning tactics effectively suited towards maximizing performance during competitions considering Chinese players' capabilities hence establishing structures conducive enabling them showcasing their skills optimally.* *Ultimately decisions regarding what players can do rely predominantly on themselves rather than solely us coaches imposing strict limitations,* thus fostering organic growth akin life experiences where rigid frameworks stifle potential instead nurtured through encouragement emphasizing fundamental guidelines over constraints imposed externally.* Sports: This sounds like part of your overall football philosophy then? Muscat: Yes! You’ll observe core tenets reflected directly onto pitch such as controlling play regardless possession status always seeking offensive opportunities striving maintain higher ball retention ratios consistently sustained across each match scenario respectively determining strategies adapting personnel selection accordingly depending varied environmental contexts encountered regularly.* **Sports:** Many argue foreign attackers played pivotal roles impacting team's execution upfront—how might you respond? Muscat:* Quite reasonable assessment indeed!* Within midfield-attack transitions effectiveness relies heavily re-acquiring possession immediately launching counter-attacks executed seamlessly demonstrating aforementioned principles clearly illustrated amongst those individuals involved significantly orchestrating plays resulting success obtained eventually culminating goals scored collectively attained whilst credit must extend beyond just scoring contributors recognizing efforts made defensive units aiding positional shifts facilitating seamless movements allowing offense thrive efficiently functioning harmoniously together therefore attributing collective contributions imperative ensuring comprehensive strategy successfully implemented yielding fruitful outcomes seen evident performances exhibited week-in-week-out ultimately leading into remarkable achievements realized proudly speaking today!




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